Role of Low carb diet in Strength and Performance

Low Card diets have become very popular in the past decade and one of the most well know one is the ketogenic diet or the keto diet. There is a lot of unfamiliarities when it comes to the role of Keto diets in strength and performance. A lot of people do believe that carbs are very necessary for good performance and maintaining muscle mass.
Though keto diets help greatly in weight loss, it is also true that the main goal it aims at is to reduce fat percentage and maintain an ideal body mass. This is very useful for athletes as it great;y enhances their power production and mechanical efficiency. Depending on the chosen sport, athletes tend to plan their carb intake to achieve the best possible body composition. Let us look at the key aspects that one needs to keep in mind regarding Keto Diets’ relationship with Strength and Performance in sports.


1. Keto Combined with Resistance Exercise

If you consider a generic Keto diet, we may often see that reduced intake of carbs, while undergoing resistance exercise in athletes may not give favorable results. The reduced intake of carbs will only lead to loss of fats but also muscle mass. Hence we may reach the conclusion that a more specific approach or a tailor-made keto based diet may be necessary for such situations.

2. The Role of Insulin in Building and Preserving Muscle

Insulin is a component that prevents the breakdown of nutrients in your body by promoting the storage of these for later use. The main nutrient that promotes insulin secretion is carbohydrates. This is, however, a two-way process. Carbohydrates are stored in the body and promote fat accumulation due to increase in insulin levels. But at the same time, when sufficient amino acids are present, consumption of carbohydrates improves protein synthesis and muscle gain. Therefore consumption of small portions of carbs before exercise may help promote muscle growth.

3. Ketogenic Diet in Strength Athletes

Most athletics events, require the athletes to fit into a particular weight category. For this, they are required to lose weight without losing muscle strength. These people are highly benefited by coupling a keto diet along with their physical exercises. While the exercises are designed to ensure that the muscle mass remains unchanged, the diet reduces fat content in the body.

4. Disadvantages of the Ketogenic Diet with respect to Strength and Performance

The main disadvantage is that sufficient studies have not been performed to see how keto diets can contribute to muscle growth. While it may help reduce fast in people whose aim is weight loss, it may be counterproductive for people who only want muscle gain.

5. Practical Applications of the Keto Diet in Strength Performance

Every person’s body is unique. Therefore the optimal body composition will also vary from person to person. If you wish to gain muscle mass while on a keto diet, it is essential to consult a nutritionist to add sufficient protein intake in your diet.


The ketogenic diet is being increasingly used in sports and athletics. These diets have to be well designed and based on the physique of every individual in order to avoid injuries and obtain the best results. Coupling this diet with appropriate exercise and dietary supplements will help people gain a favorable body composition over long-term use.

Healthy Body