Week 5: Keto Diet plan

Week 5: Keto Diet plan

You made it through the first 4 weeks of your Keto diet. Congratulations! Before we move on to week 5 let us quickly recap what we learned over the past few weeks.
A keto diet or a Ketogenic Diet is one where you cut down on your carb intake and consume proteins and fats. By doing so, you train your body to burn fats instead of carbs to gain energy. This can help you effectively lose weight in just a short period of time.

So we started our diet on week 1 by slowly reducing the carbs we take. This was the week when you were most probable of developing symptoms of the Keto Flu and hopefully, your body recovered very soon. In order to keep the symptoms minimal, we started off by reducing carbs little by little and not cutting them out completely. You consume 3 meals a day consisting of green and leafy vegetables, meat and eggs, and other healthy fatty food items like cheese, nuts and dairy products. You also avoid eating any desserts for the first 2 weeks of your diet.
During the second week, your Keto flu symptoms begin to leave you and your body eases more gently into the diet. You continue to consume 3 meals a day filled with healthy fats and proteins. Remember to always maintain the proportion suggested for Keto diets and avoid over-consumption of proteins. We also learned that the key to a sustainable diet is keeping it simple and prepare easy meals every day.


In week three, we tested our own capacity by cutting one meal out from our diet. By skipping lunch, you make room for a tasty and healthy dessert during your dinners. You must remember that even though you have skipped a meal, your calorie intake must remain the same, hence you must ensure that you consume heavier breakfast and dinner.
By week 4, we took our diet regime one step further and challenged ourselves by cutting another meal out of our diet. We skip breakfast as well and consume our entire calorie intake during dinners. While putting your body through these various regimes we must remember to keep ourselves constantly hydrated.

Week 5:

You have finally arrived at week 5, or the last week of the first 1 month of your Keto diet. This is the fun part of the entire diet meal plan. You no longer need a set protocol that you should follow. Through these 4 weeks, you have tried and tested the various foods and various timings of consuming them. You may have found some to suit your body really well while others don’t. You will also have a lot of pre-cooked food stocked up which is Keto friendly. Now you are the master of your own diet. Make up your own plan of when and what to eat as per your body’s requirements. You should, however, remember to always consume the necessary calories and not binge eat fats or proteins. Always remember though that water is always a Keto diet’s best friend and stay hydrated. Happy dieting!

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