Paleo and Ketogenic diets are common words in the world of physical fitness today. Both are unique types of diets that help people lose weight and improve overall health. Most people, however, do not know what these diets are, their similarities and differences. Knowing this information may be crucial to you before you attempt to follow on of these two. Here we will give you a brief overview of both these types of diets.

Paleo diet:
This diet believes in consuming food which was available to the caveman is the best to promote health. It couples this food intake with lifestyle changes for total body wellness. One of the fundamental theories behind the paleo diet is that modern production and processing techniques are damaging to human health. It eliminates grain, legumes, processed sugar, and most dairy products and adds food such as meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables.
Keto Diet
Keto diets aim to enable you to take in a low amount of carbs, a moderate level of protein and high content of healthy fats. This diet plan induces the metabolic breakdown of fats in the human body. In addition to greatly reducing weight, it also is effective in controlling blood sugar levels.
Similarities of the diets:
Both keto and paleo diets have some features in common. Let us look at some of these similarities.
Whole foods:
Both diets focus on whole foods with minimum processing which is a great source of nutrients. Eg. Vegetables, meat, fish and nuts.
Eliminates grains and legumes:
These were not part of the diet of early humans and contain anti-nutrients that interfere with assimilation of nutrients. They are also too high in carbohydrate content.
Eliminates sugar:
Though paleo diets accept maple syrup and honey, it avoids processed sugar completely. Keto diets also comply as sugars contain high carb content.
Emphasize healthy fats:
Unrefined healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avocado oil, etc. are actually very beneficial for the body. While this is encouraged by both diets, trans fat are discouraged strongly.
While both diets have so many similarities, they also have their differences:
Ideology and focus:
Paleo focuses on lifestyle choices and not just the diet. It encourages exercise and mindfulness practices to complement the diet. It doesn’t, however, focus on what nutrients you consume and in what ratio. Kto, however, encourages a healthy balance of macronutrients in your diet and not on the lifestyle changes.
Paleo allows carbs:
Paleo does restrict you from eating certain foods that are rich in carbs but not all. Therefore you may consume an unbalanced diet with high carb content and still be on your paleo diet. Conversely keto doesn’t allow any food that is starchy such as fruits. Grains, legumes etc.
Keto allows some dairy and soy foods:
Keto even encourages the consumption of many dairy and high fat foods like butter, yogurt etc that is prohibited by the paleo diet. Soy foods like tofu or soybeans are also allowed on the keto diet. This is quite the opposite in the case of the paleo diet.
It is impossible to reach a conclusion as to which diet plan is the healthiest. Depending on what your goals are, the outcome of both diets may vary. It is also true that a particular type of diet may not suit a particular individual and lead to health issues. Therefore it requires careful planning and consultation of a doctor or nutritionist.