Yogasanas By the Experts

Yogasanas By the Experts

Yoga poses are an amazing way to build endurance and strength without any strain. These are poses practiced by Yogis in India who have for thousands of years lived wellness enriched lives thanks to Yoga.

Here I’m sharing my notes on some basic Yoga poses (Yogasana) that I do every day.

1. Shavasana

Shava = Corpse, Asana = pose or posture

More literally “Dead Pose” or “Corpse Pose”. But don’t worry – this has nothing to do with dying! In fact if done correctly it can increase your lifespan, reduce stress and physical strain.

Shavasana is in my mind the ideal way to fall asleep. No matter how tired or un-tired you are – if you consistently practice Shavasana you can eliminate physical exhaustion without actually sleeping; yet your body experiences all the benefits of sleep.

Amazing thing to do in today’s hectic world – if you have jet lag or are switching timezones, anytime you’re free just get into ‘shavasana’ mode. Life saver!

Here’s how it works, as per our friends at Yoga point:

This asana is known as Shavasana or Corpse Pose as it looks like a dead body. This asana is one of the easiest asanas to get into but the most difficult to practice. It is one of the best relaxation poses and if practiced correctly and with full efforts, can relax every body part, relaxing not only the body but also the mind.


Spread the legs one to two feet apart, the toes are turned outwards, the heels facing each other, a comfortable distance apart.
Bring the arms a little away from the body, palms turned upward.
Relax the neck and allow it to turn to the side if it is more comfortable.
Close the eyes and focus the attention on the body, breathing normally.
Begin focusing each body part and relaxing it, then moving on. Keep the mind focused on relaxation, the breath should be normal. Relax the whole body.

Of course if you’re into travelling a lot it may not be possible to lie down – but trust me getting into that relaxation mindset brings immense relief even then.

2. Sarvangasana

Sarva Anga = full body, Asana = pose or posture

yoga poses for wellness and health
Sarvangasana for health and beauty

Literally, the “Full Body Asana”. It involves taking a shoulder stand and placing your weight squarely across the shoulders, upper back and neck, and uses the elbows for balance & support.

This is such a kickass Asana that 1-2 minutes of this once a day results in an incredible release from back pain, headaches, and various other daily ills.

This is really simple:

  1. Start by lying down
  2. Lift your legs up to 90 degrees
  3. Use your arms and back strength to life your back
  4. And there you have it! You’re doing the Sarvangasana!



3. Padmasana

Yogasana wellness
Padmasana brings out inner beauty

Padma = lotus, Asana = pose or posture

Padmasana or Lotus position is a cross-legged yoga posture which helps deepen meditation, calms the mind and alleviates various physical ailments.

A regular practice of this posture aids in overall growth and evolution of the person, just like a lotus; and hence the name Padmasana.

This is also a pretty simple pose:

  1. Fold the left leg and place your foot on the right thigh
  2. Fold the right leg and place your foot on the left thigh
  3. Keep your back straight
  4. Breathe from the stomach

And you’re a yogi

4. Surya Namaskar (which in itself consists of a number of poses)

Surya namaskar is a fairly complex series of postures – each posture results in a certain set of muscles, tendons and ligaments getting pulled / pushed / exercised. Overall it’s a great pose to keep yourself in great shape! Plus it burns 400 calories in 30 minutes; almost the same as 30 minutes of running [2]!


Burn calories doing surya namaskar
Surya Namaskar – the Right Way


Step by step guide to do the Surya Namaskar Asanas

Follow this step by step guide and see how easy it is for anyone to do the Surya Namaskar – the right way. [3]

Step #1

surya namaskar Pose 1
Pranamasana : Stand in an erect position. Join your hands and keep them against your chest. Relax.

It promotes balance and stimulates the respiratory system.

Step #2

surya namaskar Pose 2
Hasta Uttanasana : Take a deep breathe in and raise your arms upwards. Arch your body backwards while face the sky.

Promotes balance and digestion,stretches the torso and brings in flexibility in the spine.

Step #3

Pose 3
Hasta Padasana : Breathe out and also bend forward to touch your feet with your hands without bending your knees.

Promotes blood circulation, stretches the back and leg muscles, stimulates nerves and lymphatic system.

Step #4

Pose 4
Ashwa-sanchalan-asana : Take a deep breathe and stretch your left leg backwards. Balance your body on your left toe with the heel pointing upwards. Meanwhile the right leg is bent at knees and palms touch the floor.

Strengthens hands and wrist muscles,

Step #5

surya namaskar Pose 5

Parvatasana : Breathe out and release your left leg and keep it parallel to the right leg. The position of palm remains unchanged.

Improves blood circulation,strengthens hands and wrist,improves balance

Step #6

Pose 6

Ashtanga namaskar : Inhale. Raise your hips but keep your toes, knees and face at floor level.

Strengthens legs and arm muscles, stretches back muscles, releases tension on shoulders.

Step #7

Pose 7
Bhujangasana : Breathe in and push your body backwards such that the face bends backwards and points towards the sky.

Increases blood circulation, stretches the torso, tones digestive tracts and promotes flexibility.

Step #8

Parvatasana : Breathe out and release your left leg and keep it parallel to the right leg. The position of palm remains unchanged. (Same as Step5)

Step 9#

Ashwa-sanchalan-asana : Take a deep breathe and stretch your left leg backwards. Balance your body on your left toe with the heel pointing upwards. Bend the right leg at the knees and place your palms on the floor. (Same as Step4)

Step #10

Hasta Padasana : Exhale. Bend forward and touch your feet with your hands – without bending your knees. (Same as Step3)

Step #11

Hasta Uttanasana : Take a deep breathe in and raise your arms upwards. Arch your body backward and face the sky. (Same as Step2)

Step #12

Pranamasana : Stand in an erect position. Join your hands and keep them against your chest.Relax. (Same as Step1)

Now relax and go have a Carrot Detox to help you re-energize for the long day ahead!

Healthy Body